3 Tips For Feeling Awesome All Day Long

One of the most important things in life is being happy and feeling healthy. A lot of my readers are always asking what are the best ways to achieve a zen like feeling in life. I have figured out what I consider three tips that you cam implement today and improve the overall quality of your life.
One of the most important things you can do for free is to drink more water. You would be so surprised by how much better you will feel just by drinking the recommended eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. Technically it is closer to 3 liters for men and 2.2 for women. However, I find sticking to the "8 by 8" rule much simpler and easier to include in my daily routine.
Another way to make you feel better is simply make sure your bedroom is a bedroom. One thing I have noticed is how much clutter is in the bedroom anymore. You find televisions, computers, stereos and so much more nonsense. Go ahead and clean out your bedroom today. Get rid of all the fuss and make it your own personal oasis for relaxation. Make it a room for rest and love, no more and no less. You will be surprised how much better you feel once you allow your bedroom to breathe again. It also stands to reason that once you declutter you bedroom you need to sleep in there as well. So make sure you are getting a good eight hours of sleep. In order to get there make sure you have good air circulation, your room smells fresh and you have a soothing color scheme.
One of my last tips for you revolves around water again. It may sound odd, but start to sip warm water through out the day. No flavors or sugar, just plain hot water. This action will help remove toxins from your body and warms your digestive track. This is a perfect method for those of you suffering stomach issues. Plus I find it to just calm my entire body down.
There you have three tips that you can implement today. So if you want to feel better, drink more water, clean out your bedroom and sip hot water during the day. All very east to implement today and they will cost you nothing. So give it a shot and see how you feel in a week.
Judy is the editor and writer for JuicerWave, a comprehensive juicing website. You can find the most delicious recipes, tips and juicer reviews.

Delicious and Healthy Snacks For Healthy Living

Snacks are the food items that we munch on at odd times to keep the hunger pangs away until meal times. Can we indulge on snacks? Yes, as long as it is healthy. Over-indulgence on fried and sweet snacks causes weight gain. Eating healthy snacks on the other hand keeps us slim and helps in our quest for weight loss too.

Many unhealthy snacks add empty calories that don't have any nutrition to our diet. Yet, so many of us gorge ourselves on these useless items when we feel hungry. It is time we start reading the food labels and choose healthier options. By doing so we set ourselves on path to good nutrition, improved lifestyle and also, keep ourselves disease free. The choices we make will provide us with the energy we need and also, keep us well-nourished.
It's not just children, even adults love snacks. While a kid indulging in an occasional unhealthy snack doesn't suffer too much. Adults leading sedentary life-style pack on the pounds if they over-indulge on these very snacks.
Nutritious and Small
Pick nutrition-filled healthy snacks, each of about 100 calories. Pick delicious items that will quickly catch up with your family. These items must be easy to make and be approved by nutrition-experts.
Fat Burning Snacks
If you pick the right products, not only will it satisfy your cravings but also, help burn off the fat. The food items which have nutrition and right amount of calories will metabolize fast and help you build muscle too.
Fiber-Laden Goodies
The snacks you pick should contain fiber which aids in digestion and curb sugar craving of our body. Suppose, you pick a 200 calorie snack. It should have 5 gm of fiber and 10 gm of protein.
Fruits And Vegetables
You need about 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. Very few people eat them in the required quantities. This vitamins, minerals and goodness laden foods help prevent heart problems, cancer, blood pressure and diabetes. They also help people live long and healthy lives. Eat fruits in season. These are best sources of nutrition as they are fresh produce. Also, they are inexpensive compared to other unhealthy processed foods.
Some all time favorites are mangoes, apples, bananas, blueberries, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes, strawberries, watermelon and papaya. Vegetables that are used as snacks include carrots, cucumber, tomato, zucchini, celery, lettuce, bell peppers and avocado. Toss them in salads, add a low-fat dressing like olive oil and lemon juice and indulge in some dips for a delicious snack.
For more information on healthy snacks for healthy living for both adults and young children check out this link - http://guydz.com/healthy-snacks/

Staying Motivated to Live Healthy

We all know that living healthy is what we should do, but, for most of us, it is just so hard to make it a long-term, lifestyle. So how do we do it? Why does it seem so easy for some people, while the great majority of Americans, just can't seem to either get on-board or stay on-board with a way of living that benefits everyone?

First we need to look at what it means to be 'healthy.' It doesn't mean being skinny. It doesn't mean participating in the endless food fads, popular diets, newest workouts, or any other fleeting thing. It does mean making good decisions when it comes to eating, physical activity, and even things like going to the doctor or dentist. Being healthy can mean feeling good. Having energy. Not being sick! It is also a matter of caring for yourself, and your family, in a way that allows you to participate in life without suffering the ramifications of 'bad' health decisions that you make or made. Being healthy is both long term and short-term actions. Being healthy benefits the individual and the whole community.
People who are healthy are, in general, happier. It is a great burden to deal with the effects of things like illness, obesity, even being tired all the time. Community groups that consist of mostly healthy individuals are happier and able to focus their resources (time, money, problem solving, creativity) on things other than trying to care for the members of the group who are unhealthy. According to healthycommunitieshealthyfuture.org, a function of the National League of Cities, which exists to help build healthier communities in the United States, "The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States. Childhood obesity alone is responsible for $14 billion in direct medical costs." Just think what we as a country could do with all that money!!
That should motivate our whole country to action!! We all know the facts, so its going to take more than that to motivate us to live consistently healthy lives. Considering the implications our own unhealthiness has on others should, however, help us move toward the goal of healthy living.
Knowing that the facts aren't enough to keep us motivated, what is ENOUGH? The first step in getting and staying motivated has to be a realization that something does need to change. But where do you need to make changes. Identify where and why you need to be healthy. Do you need to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, get your teeth cleaned or get your annual checkup done? After you have identified where the changes need to be made, you need to decide what your goals are. In order to stay motivated realistic goals need to be set. Don't set yourself up for failure, it is impossible to stay motivated in the face of impossible tasks and constant failure. If you want to lose weight, determine how much and how long it will take you to reach a healthy weight. For most people losing three pounds a week is a realistic and healthy goal. Wanting to look like a Victoria Secret model or Captain America is not very realistic. Expectations that are too lofty often lead people to lose motivation more quickly. If you want to start eating healthier you'll have to work new healthy habits into shopping, cooking, and dining out. It is probably less attainable to decide one day that you are only going to eat vegan, organic foods. Set realistic goals!!
Another key to motivation is finding people to support you. There are people everywhere who are trying to live healthier. Find them and walk with them on your journey, you will motivate each other! Remember, though, that your life and how you get healthy are not the same as anyone else's, so don't compare your life to theirs! Using someone else as your benchmark for success is not going to give you sustained motivation.
Many people who are successful at living healthy use visual aides to keep them motivated. Hang the jeans you want to fit into on the outside of your closet, where you can always see them. Use a dry erase marker to right motivational phrases or your goals on your bathroom mirror. On your kitchen cabinets post your goal weight, or reminders of how you want to feel, to help guide how you eat.
Above all BE POSITIVE. Focus on what you have achieved, not matter how small it seems. Remember how you felt eating unhealthy food, and how you have a little more energy now. Tell yourself that you are worth the effort, and your family needs you to keep living healthy. Think of the things that living healthy will allow you to do. You can be more active, live more life, live a longer life, spend your future time and money on fun stuff! And, it may seem cheesy, but talk to yourself. If you ever watch highly successful athletes, you can see them getting themselves ready for the competition. They tell themselves they can do it, and beat their chests. Yell, cheer, jump around. This is a fight worth fighting, get excited and stay MOTIVATED!!
Mark Thornton is a writer/blogger for Catalyst Coaching Institute (CCI). The premier provider of comprehensive Wellness Coach Certification and Training. CCI also provides educational and operational tools and resources for Health Coach Certification around the globe.

6 Tips to Manage and Improve Your Heart Health

Despite the fact that the warning signs of heart disease are well-known, as are the risk factors that contribute to heart disease; the number of heart disease related deaths is nevertheless reaching alarming proportions and women are as much at risk as men. In this article we will discuss six ways in which you can improve your heart health without the need for a complete lifestyle overhaul.
1. Watch that waistline
While we all need to watch our overall weight, our waistlines specifically are excellent indicators of how healthy our hearts are. Women whose waistlines measure more than 89 centimetres and men with waistlines exceeding 102 centimetres are most at risk of developing heart disease. Research has indicated that the health of your heart can be substantially improved by losing a mere five to ten percent of your body weight.
2. LOL is the best medicine
Yes, it's true. Laughing out loud on a regular basis lowers our stress levels and gives our immune systems a boost. People with lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol generally have normal blood pressure levels, stronger immune systems and are less likely to suffer from depression, a condition that is known to affect your heart. Try to make time for activities that put a smile on your face and surround yourself with positive people.
3. Having regular sex can reduce the risk of heart disease
As mentioned earlier, engaging in pleasurable activities lowers stress levels, making it an easy and natural way to be kind to your heart. Research has indicated that having sex at least twice a week can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease in men.
4. Aspirin can be a lifeline
People having a heart attack are often given aspirin by emergency medical services as this improves the chance of survival by reducing clot formation in the lining of the blood vessels. If you, or someone that you know, has heart attack symptoms, chewing an aspirin immediately could restore blood flow to the heart muscle and prevent a full-blown heart attack.
5. Stop putting your heart under pressure: lower your salt intake
Salt may seem harmless enough, but high sodium levels are major contributors to high blood pressure which can lead to heart disease, especially for people over fifty. High blood pressure can be lowered by cutting your salt intake by one teaspoon per day or by using herbal salt as an alternative.
6. One beer a day can keep a heart attack at bay
Yes we know this about wine, but did you know that a beer a day is healthy, too? The high levels of vitamin B6 in this heavenly brew help prevent the formation of the toxic chemical homocysteine which is linked to heart disease. Be sure not to get too enthusiastic however; too much alcohol can do more damage than good.
There are several things you can do to minimise your risk, and they don't take a lot of effort at all. Implementing these easy tips will not only help you stave off a heart attack; they will help you live a more pleasurable and healthier life in general.
THINK RED is an initiative from Flora that aims to raise awareness about Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), which is South Africa's second biggest cause for death. The aim of this campaign is not only to inform South Africans about the risks connected with CVD but to also educate them on preventative measures. Flora has brought out a striking red 1.2kg FLORA Light pack that incorporates hard-hitting CVD statistics and this is meant to serve as a daily piece of communication about Heart Awareness. Visit http://www.thinkred.co.za for more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8596248