One of the most important things in life is being happy and feeling healthy. A lot of my readers are always asking what are the best ways to achieve a zen like feeling in life. I have figured out what I consider three tips that you cam implement today and improve the overall quality of your life.
One of the most important things you can do for free is to drink more water. You would be so surprised by how much better you will feel just by drinking the recommended eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. Technically it is closer to 3 liters for men and 2.2 for women. However, I find sticking to the "8 by 8" rule much simpler and easier to include in my daily routine.
Another way to make you feel better is simply make sure your bedroom is a bedroom. One thing I have noticed is how much clutter is in the bedroom anymore. You find televisions, computers, stereos and so much more nonsense. Go ahead and clean out your bedroom today. Get rid of all the fuss and make it your own personal oasis for relaxation. Make it a room for rest and love, no more and no less. You will be surprised how much better you feel once you allow your bedroom to breathe again. It also stands to reason that once you declutter you bedroom you need to sleep in there as well. So make sure you are getting a good eight hours of sleep. In order to get there make sure you have good air circulation, your room smells fresh and you have a soothing color scheme.
One of my last tips for you revolves around water again. It may sound odd, but start to sip warm water through out the day. No flavors or sugar, just plain hot water. This action will help remove toxins from your body and warms your digestive track. This is a perfect method for those of you suffering stomach issues. Plus I find it to just calm my entire body down.
There you have three tips that you can implement today. So if you want to feel better, drink more water, clean out your bedroom and sip hot water during the day. All very east to implement today and they will cost you nothing. So give it a shot and see how you feel in a week.
Judy is the editor and writer for JuicerWave, a comprehensive juicing website. You can find the most delicious recipes, tips and juicer reviews.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judy_B_Cavanaugh