This is not necessarily true in all cases, as many overweight people are extremely happy and confident with their bodies and would never dream of going on a diet.
However on the other side of the coin there are those of us who are extremely unhappy with our appearance and determine most days to do something about it.
Losing weight is not only for appearance sake but more importantly for the health benefits it incurs.
A healthy eating plan and daily exercise routine are the only ways to achieve your goals and maintain a weight that you are happy with.
Eating badly achieves only one thing and that is it makes you feel bad! Many of us are lying about our bad eating habits and that alone should be the wake up call to get back to basics when it comes to your health.
Simple changes can have a big impact and it does not have to cost a fortune to adopt a healthy way of life.
Splashing out on costly diet products, enrolling in the gym are all unnecessary expenses you can avoid.
Choosing the right foods not only provides the fuel your body needs every day, but is essential for the correct functioning of the digestive system.
Back to Basics: Detox
We should all be aware by now that a good body detox involves:
1: Drinking Plenty of Water
In order to help the body detox naturally, try to drink eight to ten glasses of water each day to keep your body hydrated and flush out harmful toxins.
2: Eating More Fibre
For good digestive health you need to stock up on fibre. Providing more bulk to food helping it move through the gut. Lentils, Beans, Pulses, Grains, Cereals Fruit and Vegetables are good sources of fibre. Aim to eat five portions of vegetables and fruit each day and where you can eat them raw with the skin for added fibre.
3: Reducing Intake of Processed Foods, Sugar and Caffeine
Most pre- packed meals contain large quantities of sodium and are best avoided. Try to reduce your sugar and caffeine intake and cut back on any unhealthy fats already in your daily diet.
4: Getting More Exercise
Exercise is the best method for reducing stress, burning calories and for boosting your mental health. Include a routine in your daily schedule and find natural ways to burn those calories such as,
1: Take the Stairs instead of the Lift
2: On the way to work get off the bus a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way.
Eating well will not only make you feel better, happier and let's not forget LIGHTER, it also improves your gut and digestion function greatly. Remember it is not only about what you eat but the way you eat. Eating correctly releases enzymes which kick start your digestion, and hormones which will reduce the amount of food you want to eat.
1: Eat Slowly
2: Chew Food Well
A Healthy Lifestyle is easily achieved with just a few Simple changes.
Visit Perfect Weighs to learn more about the Best Fat Burning Foods
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