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tea that makes you lose weight

"Does Tea Help You Lose Weight?" This actually is somewhat of a tricky question, because as simple as it sounds it can't be answered with a simple yes, or no. This is because the answer is yes and no, and maybe all at the same time. How about I share with you how tea can actually help you lose weight.

With this said, do you want the real truth of what tea can and can't do for you...then keep reading.
Alright, for starters let's begin with why Tea doesn't help you lose weight:

*Tea does not help you lose weight if your are still eating the same foods that are responsible for that extra body fat on your body

Tea won't help you with weight loss if your don't change "the core" of your diet. You see we have the body fat we have on now, because of dietary habits. You are what you eat, and if you do not change this, then it doesn't matter how much Tea you drink, because you will not lose the weight.

• Tea also does not help you with burning fat off your body, unless...

You are drinking the right type of tea... The tea you are looking for, comes from a Tea plant with the scientific name "Camellia Sinensis," if you are not drinking this kind of tea, then you are missing out on the thermogenic, metabolism boosting/ fat burning potential that a glass of tea has to offer you...

So a lot of those herbal teas out there on the market do not contain this plant ingredient. In addition, some of the products out there that do contain it, contain a very low potency per serving size. So if you are shopping for tea, and you buy the cheapest stuff, you general get what you pay for - non-optimum results...

Alright enough with why tea does not help you lose weight, let's get to the good part....

Why Tea Does Help You With Weight Loss
I can summarize it with 3 principles:
*Thermogenic Properties
*Alkalinity Balancing
*Antioxidants vs. Toxins

The first one I mentioned above is Thermogenics. This is the concept of creating more heat in the body. In terms of weight loss, what happens is that your "free fatty acids," (a.k.a your unwanted fat cells), start breaking down in your body to be used as fuel instead of just stored fat.
Not only does it help boost your fat burning potential, it doubles your energy from using up fat as a fuel source and the extra dose of energy that comes along from Camelia Sinesis Tea's Caffeine.

In addition, if you drink a high quality tea, it can act as an anti-calorie drink. Try drinking a cup of tea and letting it burn 80 calories for you. That is the potential of a thermogenic camellia sinensis tea.

My next point: Alkalinity and Weight Loss (using Tea)

This one is HUGE... Actually I should say that it gets rid of the HUGENESS and allows you to rid yourself of stubborn fat.

You see have you ever heard someone say they have tried everything to lose weight, but "No Luck," because it didn't work... "Must be genetics."

More often than not it is not genetics it is diet and your body alkalinity.

You see everyone has a PH balance in their body. The problem is that most people, especially in the United States are highly acidic rather than being alkaline.

In America, we eat a lot of processed foods, and we leave out the greens, veggies, and all the good natural stuff. Thus, putting our bodies into an acidic state.

Now What Happens With Weight Loss When You Are Too Acidic?

Your body typically holds onto fat. You see it starts storing the excess acids in your body in your fat cells. This acts a force field buffer, to protect your vital organs from being damaged by the acid.

So if you do not balance out your alkalinity it may be difficult to lose all the body fat you want to. My recommendation is to start learning about alkalizing food, and make adjustments. In addition, most alkalizing foods, by themselves are great weight loss foods...

By the way, Tea is highly alkaline, so it definitely helps the process. This also why I prefer tea or coffee. Coffee is highly acidic, which does not make it the weight loss beverage of choice.

Why Not Kill 2 birds with one stone by eating & drinking low calorie alkaline foods; ultimately, becoming in an alkaline state so you burn fat, and increase your health dramatically.

Which brings me to a quick side point: Alkalinity and health... I saw a study based on 1,718 cancer patients... Out of these 47% had a ph level of 4.5, and the rest of the majority fell somewhere below a ph level of 6. For optimum health, your body ph needs to be slightly alkaline at 7.4... Based on research, keeping your body at this state can be quite preventative in regards to cancer and other diseases.
Avoid Cancer, Burn Fat, Be Healthy... Why Not? You cast the vote every time you put something into your mouth.

Alright, let me get to my last point of why tea does help you lose weight...

Last Point: Phytonutrients and Toxins...
You see tea is packed full of phytonutrients, some of these phytonutrients are the well known Antioxidants you probably have heard about.

Check this out, another reason why people have a hard time losing weight is because they have toxins surrounding their fat cells. If you want to get rid of the fat, you want to get rid of the toxins.
Tea helps with this because the antioxidants from tea help combat the free radicals and toxins in your body. Pretty simple, right?

Now Back to the beginning...
Does tea make you lose weight?
I would say yes, as long as you are eating a diet that is alkaline, balanced, and in the proper calorie range. If you would like some more helpful weight loss tricks, keep checking out
Check out for more helpful wellness tips, tricks, and other techniques...
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