3 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight

You know the drill, you work hard on your diet and you failed to lose weight despite being at your best behavior since kindergarten. What happened? You figured if you had 1000 calories deficit you would surely lose 2 pounds per week right? Well, it's not as simple as calorie in, calorie out as most weight loss coach would like you to believe. It not even solely about diet and exercise too. Believe it or not, it's everything from your environment, your mood, stress level, sleeping behavior and much more. To simplify, it's all about how your environment affects your gene expression. (This simply means what genes are activated according to your environment)
One of the most important reasons why you're not losing weight is because you're not eating healthy. I can already hear some of you lamenting that you're eating plenty of healthy food and are living as healthy as you can get but you're more likely than not to be wrong. Diet sodas, whole-wheat bread and 1g of "net carbohydrate" bread is healthy food. They're simply empty calories that make you crave more of them. Simply going for low carbohydrate or low calories is not enough; you must eat real and healthy food like vegetables and fruits.
The second reason is you're under too much stress to begin with. I'm not talking about huge stress like death of a close person (although it can really affect your weight loss effort) but daily stress that you might not even aware of. Stress like traffic jam stress, work stress, financial stress and relationship stress are all stress that affects the body in the same way. Your body releases Cortisol, which is a fight or flight stress hormone designed to save your life from a saber toothed tiger. Cortisol worsens insulin resistance, catabolized the muscle, (resulting in lower metabolism) and worse of all it promotes the storage of fat in your body.
Third, most people ate way too much sugar and carbohydrate. I don't care if its "only"100 calories, eating carbohydrate is way more dangerous that you thought possible. It's so dangerous to your weight loss effort that I almost always advise client to even skip fruits at the very beginning of their weight loss effort. There you go, some of the reasons why you can't lose weight no matter how hard you try.
Bryan is an ex snorer and has a website on best snore guard and talks about snoring mouth guard all the time