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5 Of The Strangest Ways to Eat Less Calories and Lose Weight

I have found many of these tips useful myself while reading Mike Geary's "Truth About Abs" book and studying his program and I would like to share them with you. If you are looking for ways to take control of your eating habits, reduce body fat, and reduce your caloric intake, these following tips are quick and easy to implement.
Tip #1 Use smaller bowls, silverware, and plates when eating.
Studies have shown that you can control how many calories you consume simply by using smaller dishes and smaller utensils. They did an experiment with ice cream and M&M's and gave smaller portions to one group and larger portions to the other using different size bowls and plates. In both experiments, the group that had the largest portions naturally ate the most.
Tip #2 Take your time when eating your meals.
That simply means, chew your food well before you swallow. You can start off at your normal speed but then afterwards you should savor each and every mouthful. By taking your time to eat you tend to eat less because it gives your brain time to receive the signal that it's full.
Tip#3 Remove all temptation from your house.
You've heard that old saying "out of sight, out of mind". Well it's true. The less temptation you have to consume sweets, sodas, candy, and other junk foods the better off you will be on your mission to lose weight. Of course you can still go to a restaurant or store nearby and indulge, but if you have it right under your nose it is less than likely you will be able to resist the urge to eat it. Just like the case of an alcoholic, that person has to stay away from places that might entice him or her to drink.
Tip#4 (This tip is a weird one) - Make sure the plate is not the same color as the food you put on it.
Now when I read this, I have to admit I was a little shocked. Scientists have conducted studies and have found that more color contrast between plate and food can subconsciously make people want to eat smaller portions. On the contrary, less color contrast between food and plate will make our brains work harder to figure out appropriate portion sizes and thus make us want to eat more. Isn't that strange?
Tip#5 Turn off the TV, games, movies or other distractions while eating.
I agree with this tip 100%. I'm guilty of this one myself. Let's use popcorn for an example: People tend to eat far more popcorn if they are absorbed by a movie than those who don't care for the movie at all. So in a nutshell.... just ditch all the distractions and focus only on your food and you will consume less calories.
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