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Seven Tips For Successful Weight Loss

Obesity and excess weight is a big problem in so many places around the world. People struggle, in many cases over years to get to a healthy weight, trying this diet and that diet, always ending up bigger than before. Old style 'diets' don't work! You need a new approach. This is because there can be no 'one size fits all' diet, every body is different, and reacts differently to different foods. So here there are no dictates about what you should, or should not eat, as that must be individual to you, rather, some principles to guide you to find your own solutions. Wishing you joy and health.xx
Tip #1
Identify Your weight Loss Desires.
The first step is to identify what a healthy weight looks and feels like to you. Your desire for what you do want is what creates it on the vibrational plane. So, change your focus from what you don't want: the excess weight, the discomfort, the feeling bad about yourself, the guilty eating, and put it on the slim you that you want to be.
Tip #2
Identify Good-Feeling Actions.
When you get into the vibration of the new slim you and it feels so good to do that; you will be inspired to the right actions to bring about the weight loss that you desire.
Tip #3
Focus on Your Feelings, Not on the Scales.
Keep the faith with the process. Understand that your feelings are the indicator of your progress towards your goal, not your weighing scales. At the point of decision, the new you was formed, it waits in it's potentiality for you to get into alignment with it in order to receive it. Keep reaching for thoughts that feel good: thoughts about how it feels to be slim and healthy.
Tip #4
Keep Your Promises.
Having made decisions to act on the inspiration you received, keep the promises you made to yourself. To break those promises will take you out of alignment and you will soon feel bad.
Tip #5
Learn to Appreciate Yourself.
Negative thoughts about yourself will always bring you out of alignment with your desires. Therefore, learn to appreciate yourself, just the way you are. You are source energy inside a physical body, you are the same as the power that created the universe; what's not to appreciate!
Tip #6
Don't Compare Yourself to Others.
It doesn't matter what others do. It is not your job to police the world, or to live up to the expectations of other people. Your work is to feel good, and that you can do by thinking of what you want and reveling in the feelings of that state.
Tip #7
Know That Food is Your Friend.
It is your belief that any given food is bad for you that makes it so, rather than any food being inherently bad. Therefore eat food that feels good to you, rather than feeling the need to adhere to any given diet or eating regimen. Food is good! It is for the nourishment of your physical body.
Frances is a writer on topics within the fields of personal and spiritual development. As a mother of three herself she has a special interest in how personal and spiritual growth can improve the experience of mothers and their families and create better outcomes for children. Visit her website at