Part of the struggle of any diet is how food becomes SO important... you're trying not to eat carbs, and find yourself dragging and thinking about them every minute. Candy appears out of nowhere. Your car breaks down outside a favorite fast food place. So many have experienced diets as miserable, endless tests of endurance, but they don't have to be. Not if we change our attitude and introduce a few top superfoods into the mix.
You've likely heard the term a lot, but aren't quite sure if it's a bit of marketing hype or something real. The word "superfood" was coined in 2004 by Dr. Steven Pratt in his first book. To be a considered a superfood, the food must have three things...
- Be available to everyone
- Contain large amounts of vital nutrients that are proven to help you live longer
- Health benefits that are proven by peer reviewed studies
Health benefits that include lowering your cholesterol, cutting your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and deadly cancer. Some might even help your mood.
Pratt points to oily fish, dark, leafy vegetables, berries and green tea as some of the best superfoods, but there are plenty more. And though weight loss wasn't something he was concerned with at first, that's what everyone Pratt met wanted to talk about. The most common comment was the amount of weight people lost without even trying - and that these are foods you can enjoy over a lifetime.
Just don't expect a superfood to melt the pounds all by themselves. They are no free pass to consume all the junk you like. But when added to other weight loss efforts can really enhance your efforts at dropping those pounds.
When it comes to weight loss, some advocate taking the focus off what foods are forbidden, and what are allowed, and instead think about what foods can give your body.
You can add superfoods like nuts, whole grains and berries, which have loads of fiber, protein as well as other key nutrients to your diet, as well as avoiding processed foods, eating more fruits and veggies and replacing white bread with whole wheat - all smart moves that keep the focus on the positive, not the negative.
This approach could alter the way we think about losing weight.
Some experts compare eating superfoods to putting premium gas in your car. All of us want to be choosing foods that give more than calories - ones that can help keep your body running well and free of disease.
What's more, experts agree that as you feel better, you'll do more. Be more active. Eat better. Start to feel the difference in your stamina and energy level.
When you think about it, we all make investments in our wardrobe, our grooming... so why not make an effort to do the same for your body? Seeking out the top superfoods are a smart way to go, and if you add them to your diet, you'll be amazed at how you feel.
FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover what else is on the top superfoods list and how these foods can help improve health.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kirsten_Whittaker