Wedding Diet and Exercise Plan

A wedding diet should consist of complex carbohydrates, high quality protein and essential fatty acids. All of these three macro nutrients work together to make a wedding diet work.
Complex carbohydrates
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole wheat (bread, pasta, bagel etc)
  • Sweet potato (yams)
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Green leafy vegetables
High Quality Proteins
  • Whey protein shakes
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Fish (tilapia, snapper, tuna etc.)
  • Lean Red Meat
  • Eggs
Essential Fatty Acids (good fats)
  • Avocado
  • Salmon
  • Egg Yolk
  • Fish Oil
  • Olive Oil
There are a couple of thing you should avoid for a wedding diet. Try to avoid simple sugars or simple carbohydrates. Some examples are fruit juices, energy drinks, candy, cakes, cookies etc.
I will emphasize that you should stay away from energy drinks and sport drinks. Most of them are filled with sugar and or artificial sweeteners. Some studies have proven that artificial sweeteners like aspartame can not be digested by body properly. Stick with plain regular water.
Strip the fat is a program that comes with a diet generator that will make a diet plan for your wedding to the exact food that you want to eat. It is a very helpful program that I use and that i recommend to all my clients. Your nutrition is far more important than the exercise plan. With a wedding diet and a exercise plan in order you will see results much much quicker and faster.
A exercise plan should be intense and short. Maximum of 45 minutes. Most exercise should be compound and elicit maximum calorie expenditure.
Compound Exercises
  • Squats
  • Presses (bench, overhead)
  • Dead lift
  • Lunges
  • Push ups
  • Sprinting
  • Running
  • Bur pees
I made a workout plan page so you can watch a video demonstrations on the following exercises.
I made a wedding workout plan and a diet to lose weight for a wedding.
Ronald Galang is a certified personal trainer through N.C.S.F. and serving in the United States Army Reserve. He have helped countless men and women to achieve their fitness goals.