You've probably heard the saying, "drink water, lose weight".
But, have you stopped to wonder WHY or if it's true? What does water
have to do with the fat I am trying to lose? I have always wondered and
asked these questions to myself. But, now I know.
Next to the air we breathe, water is the most important element to our survival. Did you know that 60% of the human body is comprised of water? It flows through us, it hydrates us, and it is a major building block found in every part of the human body. Over half of the United States population does not drink enough water on a daily basis. Researchers in Germany found that drinking an appropriate amount of water increases the rate at which people burn calories. As we stated, every system in your body depend on this critical element. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells, and replenishes systems in your body that rely on proper hydration allowing them to work at their optimum levels.
Think of water as the "major river" running through our bodies that brings in replenishment and takes everything our bodies do not need out, sort of like a conveyor belt. Not having enough water in the body slows down the conveyor and the toxic waste that is on the way out gets stuck. Remember, waste is weight.
The more water you drink, the cleaner your system will run. If you're well hydrated, your body's organs and internal systems will be performing at peak efficiency.
The standard recommendation is that you should drink 8 glasses of water per day, which is about 96 ounces. But this assumes you are eating the average American diet, which is mostly cooked and dehydrated. If you are consuming a lot of fresh raw vegetables and fruits that comprises more than 50% of your food intake, you should be good with at least 64 ounces of water consumption per day.
I found that the best way to make sure that you get the minimum in, every day, is to start the day off right. I drink 32 ounces of water first thing in the morning when I wake up. Not all at one time, but about 8 ounces at a time. I use a 16-ounce container to measure my water intake and drink half of it at a time. It takes me about half an hour to get it all down.
Then I try to get another 16 ounces down before lunch and another 16 ounce glass just before dinner. This gives me a total of 64 ounces. Sometimes I squeeze another one in before going to bed at night to get me up to 80 ounces.
This should give you a better understanding of the critical role water plays in weight loss and how to make sure you drink the proper amount of it to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy body.
Next to the air we breathe, water is the most important element to our survival. Did you know that 60% of the human body is comprised of water? It flows through us, it hydrates us, and it is a major building block found in every part of the human body. Over half of the United States population does not drink enough water on a daily basis. Researchers in Germany found that drinking an appropriate amount of water increases the rate at which people burn calories. As we stated, every system in your body depend on this critical element. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells, and replenishes systems in your body that rely on proper hydration allowing them to work at their optimum levels.
Think of water as the "major river" running through our bodies that brings in replenishment and takes everything our bodies do not need out, sort of like a conveyor belt. Not having enough water in the body slows down the conveyor and the toxic waste that is on the way out gets stuck. Remember, waste is weight.
The more water you drink, the cleaner your system will run. If you're well hydrated, your body's organs and internal systems will be performing at peak efficiency.
The standard recommendation is that you should drink 8 glasses of water per day, which is about 96 ounces. But this assumes you are eating the average American diet, which is mostly cooked and dehydrated. If you are consuming a lot of fresh raw vegetables and fruits that comprises more than 50% of your food intake, you should be good with at least 64 ounces of water consumption per day.
I found that the best way to make sure that you get the minimum in, every day, is to start the day off right. I drink 32 ounces of water first thing in the morning when I wake up. Not all at one time, but about 8 ounces at a time. I use a 16-ounce container to measure my water intake and drink half of it at a time. It takes me about half an hour to get it all down.
Then I try to get another 16 ounces down before lunch and another 16 ounce glass just before dinner. This gives me a total of 64 ounces. Sometimes I squeeze another one in before going to bed at night to get me up to 80 ounces.
This should give you a better understanding of the critical role water plays in weight loss and how to make sure you drink the proper amount of it to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy body.
Valik Rudd wrote this drink water, lose weight
article from his own experience where he lost over 40 pounds on his
60-day juice fasting project and he kept daily video updates on his blog It is actually his own weight loss diary where he posts his daily progress as he juices his way to health.
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