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Lose 7.7 Pounds This Month With Only 3 Workouts

Long, boring cardio sessions are outdated and harmful for weight loss. The reason is simple. Those sessions eat your muscle tissue. This is bad because muscle tissue is 9 times more metabolically efficient as compared to fat tissue.
What this means is you burn off less fat if you lose muscle... and losing muscle is what you do when you run on the treadmill or ride a stationary bike for a long time. Now I have some good news for you. I can show you how to burn about 8 times more fat than running on the treadmill forever... and you'll achieve that in about 10% of the time.
Studies have proven that just 3 quick 6-minute sessions can net you a loss off up to 7.7 pounds in just 1 month.
Interested in how it works?
It's called HIIT... short for high intensity interval training. A high intensity interval training session involves several short maximum intensity efforts that are separated by moderate recovery intervals.
Here's an example.
Get on the stairstepper after you've warmed up your body. Now, crank up the speed to as fast as possible and you do that for just 10 seconds. It's harder than you think.
Next, use the button on the stairstepper to lower the speed to a moderate level so you can continue to stairstep... but at a much slower pace. This is called an "active rest". You do this for 10-30 seconds depending on your conditioning.
Are you with me so far?
After that, continue repeating that cycle of intense all out effort with a slower effort. For a beginner, you can start out going as fast as possible for 10 seconds and resting for 30 seconds. This will give you 9 total cycles of 10 second bursts and 9 cycles of 30 seconds to actively rest while still exercising on the stairstepper.
So in 6 minutes, you would have only worked hard for 90 seconds. The other 270 seconds are for the most part, easy. After a few sessions of this cycle, you should gradually reduce your active rest times. Eventually you'll want to get it so you are doing 18 intense bursts of 10 seconds and 18 active rest cycles.
Remember, this is just an example.
The great thing about HIIT is that you can do it with just about any exercise. Works great on the elliptical machine, stationary bikes, and rowing machines. You can do it with running as well. Run as hard as you can for 5 seconds and follow it up with 15-20 seconds of walking. Keep repeating until you've done 6 minutes.
The reason this burns off fat better than cardio is because HIIT increases the resting metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after the session.
Your body is in an accelerated fat burning mode for 18-24 hours after your HIIT session. That's where you get the weight loss benefits... after the session, not during it. Unfortunately, typical 30-60 minute slow-paced cardio sessions don't create this "afterburn". Once you stop the cardio session, your fat burning is done.
So stop with the long cardio sessions and do HIIT. You can lose up to 7.7 pounds in less time than it takes to watch a movie... 72 minutes of exercising for the month. Not a bad investment in your time.
Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching. Click for your free 19-page report, "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success". Strange, but true!
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